Empowering Mompreneurs To Unlock Balance

Recruiting A Hero House Manager To Build Your Village of Support

Let's Find Your Hero House Manager Now

Empowering Mompreneurs To Unlock Balance

Recruiting A Hero House Manager To Build Your Village of Support

Let's Find Your Hero House Manager Now

Download The House Manager Checklist

Shortcut to Household Outsourcing

Hip Hip Hooray! I'm Brenda.

I gift Moms more time, energy and freedom! My unique coaching on how to “Build Your Own Village” of support around you with Household Outsourcing and Family Systems, frees you up to focus on your unique zone of genius in your businesses, homes, relationships, and also make more meaningful memories with your families! I help you start LIVING THOSE SOMEDAYS TODAY!

As Seen On...


The Bold Goal Crusher Podcast

with Sara Mayer


The Marriage and Motherhood Podcast

with Michelle Purta


The Happy Millions Show

with Liz Benny

Our Kickass Programs

Every Mom is a Super Mom when she has a Village

Kickass Modern Mom Monthly Membership Community

Surround yourself with like minded Mamas, who are optimizing their households through Outsourcing and Family Systems right along side you!

5 Week HERO House Manager Launchpad

An accelerated guided group program to get you from Overwhelm to Clarity and Implementation. Find and train your "Mary Poppins" - Hero House Manager - with confidence and support!

Concierge Hero House Manager Recruitment & Onboarding

Let Brenda find your Hero House Manager. Get personalized support to hire and onboard your ideal Household Outsourcing roles, complete with custom SOPs tailored to your unique family needs.

A Movement Of Kickass Modern Moms

We are a new breed of Mothers...

  • We have time, energy and freedom!

  • We collaborate on teams

  • We confidently accept help

  • We are FUN moms with our kids

  • We are so in LOVE with our spouses

  • We have enhancing friendships

  • We feel supported and unstoppable!

Helping Entrepreneurial Families

Let’s get you the help you need in your house asap, so that you can focus on your zone of genius in your business, and also spend more quality time with your family!

From The Blog & Podcast

The latest from Kickass Modern Mom

Marie Degain

Podcast Episode 006: Tuning into our Women's Intuition with Marie Degain

February 24, 20241 min read

Marie is one of the gentlest and kindest Mama souls I know. She, her husband Ben and son Bronson are all such musical and artistic beings and being in their presence is such a gift!

Marie has had her share of challenges over the years, and she has used her journey to go deep within herself and accelerate her wisdom far beyond her years!

Marie shares how to embrace the fullness of our experience. Learning from the flops and stumbles, opening arms to the night.

Marie lives to stay balanced and harmonious between motherhood, creative and business endeavors, health constraints and always lots and lots of love.

I love Marie's perspective on the Motherhood Journey. She is an expert at her own intuition and honors herself. She inspires me in my own spiritual energy and I know for sure that other Mamas out there will feel seen, heard and connected by hearing her share her amazing inner (and outer) beauty and grace.

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Hear From Kickass Moms In Our Community

Michelle Coyle

As a business owner and stressed-out mom of 2, it's hard to ask for help. I also felt that I should be able to do it all myself. Well, I was wrong... I'm SO happy I found Brenda and her strategies to help create the household and environment that I need.

Jo Moghimi

We have hired "help" in our home before, but I didn't do very well hiring a good match. Brenda helped me with the tools to find and hire the most amazing House Manager, Haley. Thanks to Brenda, our new House Manager complements our family schedule, systems, goals, and vision. Brenda's system works, ya'll.