MILESTONE CELEBRATION TIME! 🎈This time my super supportive and fellow entrepreneur hubby helped me blow up balloons and took the photos. (Usually my kids take the photo)
1,000 amazing followers! You all! Beautiful people who I’ve connected with, and learned from, and been inspired by, and hopefully I’m inspiring back!
Thank you all of you for joining in all this fun so far! 🥳
1,000+ of you! 🤩 Holy Cow! 🐄 Man is this fun or what?!
Y’all rock. Like seriously. 💜
Lots of big things!🚀
My Village Builder Accelerator Group Coaching Program just wrapped up the first cohort and the next cohort will start soon (DM me!)
I’ve been interviewing fellow amazing Mamas for my Super Moms Sessions podcast episodes, so far there are 9 episodes in the Kickass Modern Moms Club membership portal for on demand streaming for all Club Members, and the podcast will be publicly launched next month!
I am planning a Women’s Biz & Balance Retreat at a Dude Ranch! 🤠
I am on a mission to meaningfully enhance the Motherhood Experience, for my generation and future generations!
I post these Milestone Celebration photos to document the stages as I look back, and to inspire others who are working on their own growth. To show what is possible with consistent action, no matter how messy and unpolished it may be, it’s still consistent action to keep learning and making progress!
And, I post these to give others PERMISSION and inspiration to CELEBRATE milestones, just like we celebrate our kids’ milestones, we must do the same for our own Mom Milestones, and Business Milestones!
Otherwise, once we reach our goals, we’ll just feel like we’re still in the process.
So THANK YOU! To all of you who have been along on this ride so far, and those who recently connected with me on here! 🌷
I’m so excited to get to know you all more, and keep following along on all YOUR cool Milestones too! 🫶🏽
© 2025 Kickass Modern Mom, LLC. All Rights Reserved.